49 Ways to Connect with Your Guardian Angel

All of us have a guardian angel – but do we all believe that we do? If you believe and you would like to know how to awaken and deepen your relationship with your Angel, your communion with them, here are some suggestions.

1. Intention. To connect with your guardian angel it is firstly important to wish to have this connection. Setting a clear and firm intention that is full of love and faith will help you to connect with your guardian angel.

2. It is often easier for your guardian angel to reach you through dreams. Recording your dreams will help you to remember them. Before going to sleep, ask your guardian angel to help you to feel its presence in your dreams.

3. Ask Ask Ask. Asking is a fundamental requirement to connect with your guardian angel. Angels respect our free will, so asking is fundamental to feeling the presence, help, advice, protection and guidance of your guardian angel.

4. After you ask, it is important to allow yourself to feel and experience the answer.

5. Gratitude – aim to cultivate gratitude as often as possible.

6. Call your guardian angel. If you don’t know the name of your guardian angel, simply call him or her, “My Guardian Angel.”

7. Your guardian angel knows you deeply. You can ask your guardian angel to embrace you and to help you to feel this embrace. Doing this regularly will amplify your relationship with him or her.

8. Bless your guardian angel.

9. Become as pure as a child.

10. Create a special “language” of communication. Notice the signs, so that when you see them you will feel that your guardian angel is there.

11. Open your heart.

12. Be kind.

13. Cultivate sublime arts.

14. Playfulness.

15. Recognise when people act or behave like angels.

16. Pray. You can use prayers that already exist, such as the Guardian Angel Prayer in this booklet, or a prayer that you create with your own words.

17. Be attentive. Be aware of everything that takes place around you, such as meaningful synchronicities, what people say to you. Angels act through and are present in synchronicities.

18. Be aware of everything that is within you. Become aware of inspiring thoughts or inspiring emotions.

19. Awaken your spiritual intuition.

20. Practise meditation of communion with your guardian angel.

21. Practise meditation of communion with the godly attributes. Godly attributes are godly energies in which the frequency of vibration never modifies. By meditating and abundantly attracting in your Universe many or at least one of these godly attributes, you will open your being to feel closer to the angelic realms of light. Godly attributes such as the Godly Attribute of
Godly Love, Harmony, Peace, Generosity, Beauty, Happiness, Kindness, Strength, Wisdom, and so on, will help you to connect to these pure energies and to your guardian angel.

21. Nature brings us closer to ourselves and the angelic realms. Aim to connect with your guardian angel while in natural surroundings.

22. Practice purification – both inner and outer.

23. Using orange essential oil can help you in connecting with your guardian angel.

24. Use the crystal Lapis Lazuli.

23. Create an altar for your guardian angel. A visual reference with pictures, crystals, flowers and little offerings will assist you in remembering the presence of your guardian angel. An altar also creates a beautiful and special place that will help you to strongly feel the presence of your guardian angel as soon as you sit near it, until you feel his or her presence everywhere and all the time.

24. Any angel can be evoked at any time, including your guardian angel, and your guardian angel can help you to connect with any other angel, archangel or angelic being of light. To evoke merely means to ask. Ask your guardian angel to be with you, to protect, guide, to help and advise, to inspire, to bring clarity, harmony and solutions for you, for members of your family, your beloved, your friends, planet Earth. Evoke your guardian angel by centring in your heart.

25. Being relaxed helps you to connect with your guardian angel.

26. Being silent assists you to connect with your guardian angel.

27. Watch inspiring movies with an angelic theme.

28. Have angelic images and sculptures close to you.

29. Listen to sublime music.

30. Read inspiring books with an angelic theme.

31. Use angelic cards for divination to help you to perceive messages from your guardian angel. After asking a question and asking for guidance, draw a card and take note of its message.

32. Create your own set of angelic cards.

33. Call upon your guardian angel to feel his or her presence more and more.

34. Use angelic techniques in spiritual books to help you to connect with your guardian angel.

35. Join a group, the intention of which is to deepen communion with angels and archangels of light.

36. Practise yoga to awaken and harmonise your body and being.

37. Ask your guardian angel to be with you in your everyday life, not only in moments of need, but also simply when you go for a walk, when you eat, when you meet someone.

38. Offer your time, talents and possessions selflessly and altruistically, without expecting anything in return.

39. Recognise signs – numbers, synchronicity, dreams, clouds, hearts, white bright light, feathers.

40. Remember – use different reminders to help you to remember to connect with your guardian angel, such as a screensaver with an angelic image, an angelic song for a ring tone.

41. Smiling and laughter.

42. Listening to, reading or viewing stories of others who have had experiences of connecting with their guardian angel.

43. Breathe to connect with your guardian angel.

44. Embrace consciously.

45. Practise creativity in any form, drawing, dancing, singing, painting etc.

46. Write a letter to your guardian angel.

47. Become a godly channel.

48. See everyone and everything as their best version of themselves. Cultivate a transfigured attitude towards life.

49. Cultivate faith and trust. If you are wondering when would be a good or bad time to connect with your guardian angel, the
best time to connect with him or her is all the time, here and now.

There are 49 ways to connect to them above, but there are many more! Where there is the will there is a way…

This article is compiled by the participants of the group deepening the communion and relationship with
the angels and archangels which meets regularly (roughly once every three weeks) at Tara, London, since 2010 to practice meditation and various techniques of deepening the communion with the angels and archangels of light.


Angels and Archangels Week 2024 is an event that has been hosted at Tara Yoga Centre since 2005. Its purpose is to bring awareness to our angelic helpers, protectors and guides, and help people connect to their godly reality through talks, meditations, sharing of genuine experiences, artistic expression, healing methods and workshops. It is open to everyone, whether they are already connected, curious or even sceptical towards subtle realities, we simply encourage people to be open, and then discover for themselves based on what they actually feel and directly experience in their own way.

Angels and Archangels Week 2024
The 19th annual International Celebration
27th October – 3rd November
Be with Angels – Awaken to your Inner Light
Venue: Tara Yoga  Centre, 25-31 Ironmonger Row, Old Street, EC1V 3QW
Contact: angelsweek@tarayogacentre.co.uk
Tara is a registered charity, and we are all volunteers, so we offer this as a free event to the entire community.



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