Starseeds: What’s It All About? The 360 Fast Track to Mastering Ascension

 by Alexander Quinn


Across this universe, beings, spiritualists, and starseeds have one word first and foremost upon their lips and thoughts during this great time of purification and transformational healing: Ascension. We have moved spiritually, metaphysically, and scientifically into a new era of energy along with a new consciousness that humanity will upgrade to along its journey back into light as we become the forerunners of an ascended planet. For far too long, our planet has existed within an inverted matrix where everything energetically was spun and tipped upside down as to propagate the vantage points of abusing human free will via the control of bloodlines and negative galactic interference that have gripped the reality matrix we all have waded through. Throughout this time, humans have also had the abilities to use their own free will but with little foresight in a low-density vibrational construct in which Gaia (Mother Earth) has tolerated for so long. There has been a time of descension. A period of quantifiable time when resonance, energy, and acoustic magic was cast into lower doldrums.

The world of separation from who we really are and hidden truths is coming to an abrupt end. Can you feel it? Earth (known as Gaia) is transforming exponentially along with the way systems and our understanding of the planet and its history has been delivered to us. For a long time humanity has existed at a fraction of its potential, not understanding that the world of forced rulers, dependency, and systems in which we have been integrated were all in an attempt to keep humankind in a box that said “controllable” while being moved around like cattle on a game board played by unseen and unimaginable forces both physical and nonphysical. For too long we have survived in a matrix that told us how to live, when to die, and more while reinforcing and creating man-made structures in society that if spoken against, landed one in grave and sometimes perilous predicaments. Humans have throughout time forgotten their light and divinity, relinquishing these traits of freedom for subservient and submissive mindsets, never questioning the narrative given or whether the truth even existed in the first place. The greatest mind-control game of all time was that the inmates never realised they were even in a prison until now.

There are incredible powers and energies at play as of this very moment that are undoing these great atrocities, that bring the human back into his and her own sovereignty and abilities, some of them otherworldly! Now is the time of great change on Earth predicted by the ancients and natives around Gaia that have lived before explorers set foot and when the lands and oceans were untouched. This is the time humanity takes the reins once again and walks into the journey of light in thousands of years on this planet. In this process, every man and woman including Earth herself transform mentally and physically into a new vibration of freedom, abundance, and joy. The process is called . . . Ascension. As a sweeping generalisation, some in the new age prefer to call it “going into 5D!”

What is it to ascend? you might ask. There are many undertakings that need to be addressed in exploring what this really means and how souls will accomplish this in a new energy. Let us explore the canvas of ascension and paint our way into its picture with the colours needed to understand the most beautiful story ever told—moving from a dark vibration to one of light and high frequency. A remembrance of who we really are!

We see this term used often in biblical texts sometimes stated as “Entering heaven alive without dying” or “becoming an ascended being/master,” which is a belief held in various religions. Historically, death is the normal end to a life on Earth and the beginning of the afterlife. Entering Heaven without dying is thought exceptional, becoming a sign of a deity’s special recognition of the individual’s piety, or in other words, being multidimensional through vibratory growth in various elements in one’s life, climaxing throughout the work or many lifetimes, this one being the payoff regarding humanity as a whole.

There have been many conversations regarding the subject of ascension in religious texts throughout human history. There are various scriptures that discuss both Mother Mary and Jesus ascending.

In Hinduism, Yudhishthira is believed to be the only human who can cross the plane between mortals and heaven while still in a mortal body with his brother Arjuna, who has been to heaven already living there for five years in a human body, also. It seems many kings including Nahusha have been admitted to heaven still in their human body as well.

The religion of Islam states that Muhammad ascended into heaven alive at the site of the Dome of the Rock.

In Judaism there are potential accreditations to ascension regarding Enoch and Elijah although it is arguable. In Genesis 5:24 there is a mention of Enoch, who is described as having “walked faithfully with God, then he was no more, because God took him away.” However, there is no hard evidence that he was dead at this point, and it does not say where God took him either. The Book of Kings details Elijah being carried toward “shamayim” within a great wind, but the word can mean both heaven and “the abode of God.”

You can begin to see a pattern forming here why there is a general conscientious belief that an entity regardless of religion is able to transcend into a higher state sometimes within the body and other times out of the body; sometimes through lifetimes and sometimes within a single lifetime. More interestingly still is the ability to ascend while still in the body as a “physical,” which leads us to the terminology known as becoming an “ascended master.” Examples of this range widely; however, there is a group considered ascended masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and many more. There is an understanding that to become an ascended master you are raising your energy in the universe and potentially lifting up through portals of vibration otherwise known as dimensions and densities having cleared and transmuted all the
elements of lower vibrational humanism and its previous limited consciousness restraints within
the meridians of the body. In the later stages of the book, I discuss the characteristics of the various dimensions and how they work. Could it be that these religious deities had previously ascended from lower 3D consciousness into a higher state of being into fifth dimensionality? A place of pure thought, unconditional love, and light?

Earth is at a very special crossroad in our evolution in various ways. It is widely discussed among spiritualists, ancient astronaut theorists, and quantum specialists that Earth itself is going through a unique spiritual evolution that has not been seen before in our universe. This evolution is not for just the privileged few, but for the coming of age for every soul on Earth. The idea where all humans enter the heavens while still in their body raising consciousness and spiritual awareness, not only for themselves but for the soul of the Earth herself. In other words, raising up through the limitations and lack of the 3D world into the 5D world having transcended through 4D. It is widely disclosed from various mediums and ET contacts that there is a message coming through that has a very similar tone each and every time regards the
ascended masters and other energies that are alive on the other side of the veil. It seems that “All
eyes are on Gaia” at this moment in time. Those in the heavens, those of physical and nonphysical appearance, and even the creator itself seem to have an extraordinary involvement in Earth’s path currently. The Earth is at the beginning of a mass ascension led by a shift in human consciousness on a global scale. Eventually all humans will ascend depending on various timelines, and this will be achievable by staying in the human body without having to die and reincarnate. In other words, instead of dying and finding a new body and being born into the new energy or higher vibration, it will be achieved in the same lifetime within the same body. Ascension will not be a matter of dying, it will be an experience in a body that is also transforming energetically to keep pace with the incoming energies in which it operates. Within the spiritual community there is often a misconception that one must have an out of body experience in order to facilitate a feeling of being ascended often through only living in the higher chakras while negating the lower ones. In a new energy 2012 onward, it will be the opposite. The desired effect will be about carrying your physical body into 5D with you and grounding incoming energies into Gaia.

There are complexities to this, of course, and many different theories have come to light on how this might happen. One theory is the duality idea that those ascending will live in a super-embossed reality on top of the old 3D world while beings struggling to ascend will have to enter the life/death cycle with some souls reincarnating on another planet that will be their new home. There will be souls with contracts and pre-agreed-upon missions who have taken on unconditional responsibilities carrying out actions that will heal karma, resolve unfinished business, and uncover issues within bloodlines and not ascend as a result of some of these actions in order to facilitate these agreements. Brave souls who came at this time to facilitate other projects will be left behind, but they knew this before coming. There is a great plan for souls on Gaia at this time with many complexities. The creator’s plan is one of compassion and love for all souls on Gaia. Often this is why upon having a reading or speaking to one’s spirit guides, they refer to the plan and ask you to trust it.

Within the new-age and spiritual communities there are those who speak of fearful revolutions that should a soul not ascend there will be repercussions with some souls becoming stuck for the next thousand years. As a general rule of thumb within the new-age field it is healthy to be mindful of fear-based philosophies and to be guarded when hearing these seemingly scary ideas regarding ascension. All souls will ascend in the end without limitation or consequence with none being left behind. It is only a question of when and where. The idea is that those who do not manage it in this lifetime will have a much larger potential in the next and so on depending on their soul path and Akashic trajectory.

Accounts from loved ones who have passed, messages from angels and ETs including people under hypnotherapy all around the world are expressing recently that this has never been done before like this. Earth seems to be writing a new chapter in the history of the universe and everyone on both sides of the veil is greatly interested to see how it will work out. There are many beings also greatly interested in actively taking part. Is this perhaps what has led to the highest recorded levels of people channeling and having spiritual contact? Just look on Facebook. These days the groups within the new-age and spiritual community are more abundant than ever before and growing considerably each year. This is not a fad or popular trend due to become extinct any time soon. Something within the fabric of peoples’ being is awakening and expanding. The old souls are being inquisitive and soaking everything up that they can come across like an enormous sponge. Old souls are absorbing and seeking out new and ancient
knowledge like moths to a flame. It is a sign of the times as we move through the ages and into the new.



ALEXANDER QUINN works as a spiritual/metaphysical coach and is a leading voice in the Starseed community, helping people connect to the power within and become their true multidimensional self.

On the web



STARSEEDS: WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? THE 360˚ FAST TRACK TO MASTERING ASCENSION BY ALEXANDER QUINN, published by Ozark Mountain Publishing, paperback (312 pages).


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